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ATTENTION: Personal and professional health seekers

"Why Spend Months Trying to Figure Out The Content For Your Sales Funnel...

"How A Powerful Community of Holistic Educators, Doctors, Practitioners, and Parents Come Together To Reveal The Power Of Natural Medicine That Works Today..."

Without relying on more supplements, pills, or basic answers from Google search results

Discover How Our Community Addresses Health Concerns, Chronic Fatigue, Hormone Imbalances, Gut Health Issues, Weight Loss, And So Much More While Learning What To Avoid And What To Enjoy In Your Kitchen With Game-Changing Recipes And Cooking Tips From A Mother Of 10!


  • You’re tired of Big Pharma, Big Food Industry, Big Business, Big Churches, BIG POLITICS spending billions of dollars controlling the search results of what you see when trying to find solutions.

  • You feel like the "Natural Health Industry" has become almost as bad as the pharmaceutical industry at pushing pills and supplements for things you can actually resolve at home by making a few changes.

  • You've been doing your own research for years, going against the grain, questioning the narrative... even if that meant facing disapproval or skepticism from family, friends, and colleagues (because you trust your gut).

Now you’re looking for a BETTER WAY to address health issues naturally!


👉 You get plugged into an active community of natural health researchers, professionals, and students, all of whom transform the way society approaches mental and physical health.

👉 You learn the SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE steps necessary to have more energy, lose weight, improve brain focus, sleep better, and resolve the root of mental health disorders.

👉 You are now connected to other experienced parents, professionals, and people who can answer your questions, share your wins, and HELP YOU MAKE a whole-life holistic transformation once and for all...

Sound Like A Stretch?
Not To Us!


The Holistic Health Revolution Community

The most personable community + tested tools you need to enjoy an attainable holistic lifestyle once and for all 

Here's what members can get access to:

sTEP #1


There is nothing like learning in real-time!

Karen and Amy host live Zoom calls on Mondays at 8 PM EST and Thursday at 6:30 PM EST) (Replays available). Take notes, ask questions, make comments, or simply tune in to learn and laugh!

Call topics vary between:

-Simple Natural Health Solutions for Common AND NOT SO COMMON Ailments (Dysautonomia, the flu, bloating/constipation, PCOS, anxiety, chronic fatigue, etc.)

-Holistic Psychology and Nervous System Regulation (for adults)

-Live Cooking Classes

-Homesteading Tips (gardening, chickens, fermenting, canning, etc)

-Anatomy & Physiology: Master the Science Behind Your Body

-Live Q & A


Learn the essentials of holistic living

Experience Holistic Health Educators' #1 course for Personal Transformation. Through these 10 Steps, you will learn a TON about how your body works, and have a springboard to jump into healthy living at home! Many students have lost 20-40 pounds, transformed their sleep, improved their mental health, and recovered from digestive issues just from going through the 10 Step Program alone.

The 10 Steps Encompass: Clean Water, Movement, Nutrition, Digestive Health, Brain Health, Breathing, Sound Sleep, EMFs & Electricity, Emotional Health, and Detoxification.



in the Human Body Master Guide

This guide is an online video and article library arranged A-Z that features over 45 different practicing health professionals of EVERY BACKGROUND sharing their top protocols for health concerns.

225+ topics are covered, including: Acid Reflux, Asthma, Arthritis, ADHD, Anxiety, Back Bain, Breast Health, Blood Pressure, Birth, Candida, Colic, Cough, Cuts & Wounds, Dental Health, Depression, Dementia, Eczema, Epilepsy, Gall Bladder, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Headache, Hormone Health, Indigestion, Infertility, Leaky Gut, Lyme Disease, Mold Toxicity, MTHFR Genes, Neuropathy, Osteoporosis, PCOS, Rashes, Sore Throat, SIBO, Ulcers, Weight Loss, Vaginal Health, Virility, Yeast Infection.

sTEP #4

Connect With Homesteaders

Both online and in-person, we meet up to share gardening tips, pruning demonstrations, healthy and delicious recipes, and homesteading advice!

At our 67-Acre Faith-Based Permaculture Retreat Center, we host:

-Women's Retreats

-Men's Retreats

-HHE Annual Retreat

-Certification Courses (Live & Online)

-Mastering Herbs & Tinctures Workshops

-Homesteading Classes

-Couples' Retreats


[INSERT THE TITLE OF THIS STEP This is most likely the 10 STEP guide course]

"What should I price my toolkit offer at?"

“What should my conversion rate be?”

“How long will it take to hit 6-figures?”

These ^^^^ are the questions coaches, and course creators ask me when I work with them to help them launch a new toolkit offer.

It just so happens that they’re also questions that are easy to figure out with my Toolkit Launch Forecaster...

All you have to do is plug your numbers to instantly see your unique launch numbers and maximize your sales every single month without wasting time or money

​✅ Learn how to price your toolkit offer (the right way) to maximize sales and revenue.

Determine the figures and conversion rates you need to cover your ad spend (an even make a profit)

​✅Predict the success and viability of your toolkit offer BEFORE you start running ads.


Want to use ChatGPT to do all the hard work for you when it comes to coming up with your toolkit idea, your winning name and more?

No problem...

You can use these ChatGPT prompts to come up with everything you need to create your toolkit offer in seconds. 

All you have to do is fill-in-the blanks, add to ChatGPT and watch as it comes up with everything you need in seconds.

Hear What Our Community Members Have To Say

Personal & Family Health Transformation

  • "I've been a nurse for 18 years and feel like I have learned more in the 10 steps than I have as a nurse." -Sara

  • "I've changed how I sleep, how I eat, how I think... I've lost 20 pounds and my spouse has lost even more, just from us applying what we learned in the 10-Step Program." -Olivia

  • "This school leaves no stone unturned. Their approach is clear and packed with 'life-giving' information. Since practicing the 10 steps, my health and energy have improved greatly." - Jade

  • "I love the 10-Step Program. It is an essential change for a positive outlook into your own body."

    - Nathan

  • "We experienced an increase in our energy levels, my wife had a decrease in her pain levels, and we both lost about 10% of our body weight, so we're feeling great. The 10 Steps at the beginning were a game-changer for me... best money ever spent." -Ronnie

On-Going Education w/Live Q&A

  • "The Human Body Master Guide is my new family! The program is full of knowledge I can trust and is a place I can go to find answers. The live Q&A zoom meetings are a major benefit! It makes me feel my questions are important, my health is important, and I always leave feeling empowered and uplifted!" -Laura

  • "I am amazed by the wealth of help and education in 'The Human Body Master Guide!' I recommend it to people all the time, regardless of their current knowledge and/or interest in holistic health. My family, friends, and I have benefitted from the great information several times already this past few months." - Sandy

  • "I use the HBMG in almost every meeting I have with clients. It's full of helpful info that I can share with them, which takes the pressure off of me to remember everything off the top of my head." - Cassandra

  • "I cannot believe how many people's health questions you (KAREN AND AMY) can answer thoroughly in one hour's time." -Carrie

Long-Lasting Results

  • "I've seen so many changes; my world has changed. I've lost 40 pounds. I could spend the rest of the day just telling you changes that I've experienced in my life since you guys have come into my world." - Teresa

  • "After suffering with different health issues for years, I felt it was time to get educated on the functions of the body and provide the proper nutrition, digestive enzymes, and amino acids (and so much more) that supports my body's functions. Now I coach others on their path of holistic healing. Thank you, Karen and Amy, for giving me my life back." -Jeanette

  • "I have changed what and when I eat. I’ve learned protocols for taking care of my and my family's health. I have learned so much about how my body functions, especially down to the cellular level! Can’t recommend it enough!" -Peggy

  • "I've taken a lot of online classes with a lot of shutdowns, and what sets HHE apart is the community. It's like meeting a long lost friend." -Rachelle

Hear Karen's Story - the Founder of Holistic Health Educators

I had epilepsy until I was 21.


What did that look like for me growing up?

Doctor's appointments, brain scans, unexpected seizures, and the worst part was actually... the treatment I received from kids at school.


This condition affected my childhood and adolescence deeply...

(In fact, the other day, at the age of 56, I received a phone call from a "Bob" apologizing for throwing a snowball at my face in middle school and causing a seizure... he felt bad to this day).

At the age of 21, I was newly married and wanted to have my first child. I didn't want to be on my epilepsy medication for the pregnancy, so I started to look into natural health.

This was all new to me. I started learning about dendrites, neurotransmitters, and the powerful effect nutrition and gut health have on the nervous system. I started learning about the body's internal electrical system and what I could do to influence that.


Within months of implementing what I learned, my symptoms subsided, I got off my medication, and I haven't had another seizure since... in 35 years!

Now at this point, you would think I would be HAPPY.......

Overjoyed, even. But I wasn't.


I was angry.


How come no doctor told me all I needed to do was fix my gut and my nervous system, and I could be free of seizures? How come no doctor KNEW this was even an option?

My eyes were opened, and I started going down the rabbit hole of "what else were doctors never taught?"


The more I learned about heart disease, cancer, fibromyalgia, depression, allergies, food sensitivities, skin issues, asthma, acid reflux, you name it.... the more I wanted to scream from the rooftops: YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH THIS FOREVER! There are things you can do that work!

So what did I do?

I converted part of our property into a teaching facility, and began hosting weekly cooking and health classes.


I opened up Wisconsin's 1st 100% non-GMO grocery store (in the middle of no where!) with a wellness center upstairs!

I rented hotel conference centers across dozens of cities and states to host weekend "Disease Prevention Summits" and crash courses on natural health, tips and tools, and holistic anatomy and physiology.


I even rented the state and county fairgrounds to host Healthy Living Expos and get the public connected to the incredible professionals who had become my dear friends and colleagues!


My mission is and always has been to EMPOWER you with the knowledge of how your body really works.


Your doctor doesn't need to know more about how your human body functions than you do. In fact, by the age of 12, my daughter could explain more about the digestive system than most of the doctors we took her to when she was experiencing gastrointestinal disorders (which we later learned was from Dysautonomia - I wrote a free book about that that you can access later).


You do not need to feel alone, you do not need to feel hopeless, and you certainly do not need to feel "doomed" to living with a DESTRUCTIVE label your doctor gave you because he/she was never taught better.

You CAN heal your life - and we can teach YOU how.

It's a cell thing! 

Karen "ZuZu" Ziemer Armes

Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, HHC/TNC

MOM to 10 children!

Co-Founder of Holistic Health Educators

 Author of 3 Books including Live With Energy: Stop Disease Before it Stops You!

Owner of Lilly Fields Retreats & Permaculture Center in Central Georgia

Why are we committed to making it fun?

Research shows that when laughter and play are involved in the learning process, you not only learn quicker, but retain it up to 5x longer than acquiring new information under usual circumstances.

Here's What Members Have Access To:

Level 1 ($37/month) - The Human Body Master Guide ($997)

Level 2 ($97/month) - The Human Body Master Guide + 10-Step Program ($1997)

Huge Value: Weekly Live Calls (CONSULTATION CALLS WITH KAREN HAVE BEEN $300/HR FOR YEARS! Now you can pick her mind on Zoom as part of the membership)

Value Bonus #1 - PDF Resources: Vitamin & Mineral Chart; Holistic Meal Ideas PDF, Amino Acid Chart, and Dozens of Downloadable PDFs ($250 Value)

Value Bonus #2 - Connections: If you need additional support (1:1 coaching sessions or consultations) from a Qualified Holistic Health Professional, we'll connect you to our network of vetted professionals at discount rates! ($$$)

Value Bonus #3 - Priority Admission: If you choose to apply to one of our Certification Programs (Holistic Health Coach, Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor, etc.), we will bump your application to the top of the pool of applicants as a valued community member!

“Before starting at HHE, I had acid reflux, anxiety, depression, headaches, a completely malfunctioning digestive system, psoriasis, hair loss, heart palpitations, tons of inflammation and so much pain in my neck that I was afraid to move. My hands would turn blue from poor circulation. I even thought I was having a heart attack at times. I was stuck in fight or flight from my former job. 

Within 2 weeks of starting HHE’s program, the acid reflux was gone and has never returned. The psoriasis on my scalp is completely gone and my circulation has improved tremendously. Anxiety and depression are now rare occurrences, and my emotions feel balanced. I will be forever grateful for my friend who connected me with HHE and their amazing team.” -Vanessa

You Want A Reliable Source For Your Natural Health Information So…


  •  BUT answers still felt vague, nonspecific, or something you've already tried. Or... it's another product sale! When what you REALLY want are unique solutions and deep/quality explanations for what's happening in your body.


  • BUT even though they were helpful at times, their services were pricey, their protocols included hundreds of dollars in treatments or supplements, and sometimes you even felt like you knew more about what was really going on in your body than they did.


  • BUT it didn't have the impact you were hoping for or that it claimed on the website. Many supplements are claimed to be "miracle cures" while no one is properly educating you on how your body is the #1 pharmacy you have (along with your kitchen)!

Who Is Karen Ziemer And Why Should I Listen To Her?

Karen "Zuzu" is an entertaining, science-based educator on fire to help the world discover better health! Having grown up on medications for epilepsy, Karen was motivated to remove pharmaceuticals from her life. She became epileptic free and further studied to become a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner.

An accomplished author, speaker, motivator, and mother, Karen’s passion for the human body and the science of life is felt by all! Karen’s family ran wellness centers, organic grocery stores, and organic cafes before Karen founded the international education site, HolisticHealthEducators.com.

Karen knows first-hand just how powerful the body is and how quickly it can heal if properly understood from a cellular level. Her self-discovery has become her life's calling: a passion that has helped thousands of people heal their bodies and spirits. She wants that joy, ease, and vibrant energy that comes with amazing health for everyone, which is why she devoted her life to teaching others the science of the body. Her teaching style is engaging, easy-to-comprehend and entertaining, motivating everyone who hears her to make changes in their own lives.

Karen is the author of two bestselling books and the creator of the prestigious Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor Certification, The Holistic Health Coach and the International Human Body Master Guide. The Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor Certification teaches more than 120 natural modalities of healing, diets from around the world, the pros and cons of different electromagnetic frequencies, all about detoxifying and reversing dis-ease in the body and more!

Karen's TNC Certification has impacted thousands and is far more than a coaching program. It is science, biology, and education from not only Karen who is a sought-after Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, but her fellow colleagues - doctors around the globe. Karen serves on the board of One United Outreach and currently lives in Hawkinsville, Georgia, where she has opened Lilly Fields, an integrative retreat center. Her product line, Zuzu’s Energy, features handcrafted organic herbal medicines, foods, and products grown and made with LOVE at Lilly Fields!

Great Health? IT'S A CELL THING!


Q: I am brand new and I'm just getting started. Will this still work for me?

A: Yes, this is a great option for you. The program content is taught as though we are talking to our best friend, sharing the science behind things in thorough yet understandable terminology. Courses contain a wide variety of content so that both beginners in the natural health field as well as 30+ year career professionals can gleam GLEAN life-changing information from it.

Q: I've been studying natural health for a while. Will I still find value?

A: Yes, this will work particularly well for you. If you're already familiar with concepts like neurotransmitters, circadian rhythm, biotransmutation, cellular metabolism, the mechanisms of action of herbal remedies, and so forth, you will likely move through the courses at a faster pace than others, still GLEANING much throughout!

Q: Can I wait and buy this later?

A: Of course you can. But keep in mind we release new content every month, and the longer you wait, the more you'll miss or have to go back and catch up on. Not to mention - haven't you waited long enough to feel your BEST? We're trying to make this easy for you. 😉

Q: What if I can't make every call?

A: We do not expect you to make every call, although you are welcome to join every one that you can! The call topics change each week, they're always recorded, and replays are uploaded to the programs, which you can access from the app or your desktop.

Q: I am not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

A: No, you need two apps (one for the courses, and one for Zoom), and you'll be good!

Q: I'm already SOOO busy. How will I find time for courses??

A: If you're anything like the people in our community, you're already doing your best to balance a job, children, family responsibilities, a house to manage, your personal health needs, and side projects (creative much?). That's why our videos are filmed in 10-25 minute segments so they can fit in throughout your day/week, and we make them SO entertaining that we almost guarantee will replace Netflix, scrolling through social media, or anything else you do to pass time in a day. We designed these for BUSY people.

Q: When will I get access to the training?

A: You will receive an email with your login details immediately after your purchase.

Q: What if I end up loving this so much that I want to study with you FOREVER?

A: Then stay forever! We have been doing this for 20 years, and we feel like it's just the beginning of our reach. We have students who have been coming on live calls and attending live events for over 10 years! So of course, start in this course for now, and then explore our other courses that cover DOZENS of topics such as Prenatal/Postnatal Health, Advanced Nutrition, 120+ Healing Modalities from Around the World, Holistic Immunology, and much more.

If you have any questions or need further information, please email us at


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